Custom Apparel by ZERO4785

The PLAYground designs and prints all their own apparel in-house featuring our own brand... ZERO4785. We stock hoodies, t-shirts, women's t-shirts and even cloth shopping bags.

Apparel Shop

  • Hoodies

    We have partnered with a quality apparel company to provide us only the BEST quality hoodies available on the market. Soft... comfy... and sporting our ZERO4785 logo!

  • T-Shirts

    Comfortable, quality t-shirts are our game. Promoting Van Buren and the outdoor sports we love is what we are all about!!

  • Bags

    Durable, reusable, cloth carry bags sporting our unique brand, ZERO4785, are available in several trim colors to suit your style!

Multimedia collage


The PLAYground carries a variety of professional quality paddles, balls & accessories... 


We strive to offer the industries BEST available products from the leading...